1st place for D-Cube Immersive Solutions in the European Competition #BoostUp CLC East by EIT Manufacturing, in the category #Accelerate.
1st place for D-Cube Immersive Solutions in the European Competition #BoostUp CLC East by EIT Manufacturing, in the category #Accelerate.
At D-Cube Immersive Solutions, we won first place in the category #Accelerate, at the European #BoostUp CLCEast competition, organized by EIT Manufacturing, on October 29, 2020, in Vienna, Austria. The award we received from the #BoostUp CLCEast competition is for EXTRUSION 4.0, an innovative solution Machine Vision for quality control in the aluminum industry.

A few words about the BoostUp competition of EIT Manufacturing
This year, the #BoostUp competition was organized in 2020 for the first time, by the European Innovation Community EIT Manufacturing, which is part of the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT).
The aim of the #BoostUp competition was to invite and award European start-ups, businesses, and entrepreneurs who can achieve the best solutions for sustainable, durable, and socially oriented industrial production. There were three categories in the competition: #Create, #Accelerate and #Transform. It is worth mentioning that out of the 41 applications received for the CLC East region, 26 candidates were selected to pitch their ideas in the above three categories.
At D-cube Immersive Solutions we participated in the #Accelerate category of #BoostUpCLCEast with the EXTRUSION 4.0 solution, winning first place.

A few words about D-Cube Immersive Solutions
We are a spin-off of the National Center for Research and Technology Hellas and we specialize in innovative Quality Control solutions using Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis. Our goal is to turn industries into factories of the future and to facilitate a substantial and measurable contribution to their, digital transformation.
Our company combines world-leading research and people with high skills and strong scientific background. By maintaining a customer-centric philosophy, we create unique prototypes with commercial footprints, applying state-of-the-art technologies in different areas of the primary and secondary sectors.

What is the EXTRUSION 4.0 solution
The Extrusion 4.0 solution is an innovative machine vision solution for inline quality control on aluminum extrusion and treatment. It is already being applied in one of the most advanced companies globally, for the design and processing of aluminum systems, ALUMIL SA, with great success. Some of the key features of this solution are summarized as follows:
- Detection and categorization of errors with Neural Networks in real-time
- Detection of production defects, with automatic notifications & suggestions for corrective actions, in real-time
- High accuracy in identifying errors and defects regardless of aluminum die and production conditions
- Production monitoring in near real-time via Cloud interfaces
- Support decision-making by analyzing large volumes of data
- Ensure the privacy of production data
- Interoperability through Industry 4.0 standards
The benefits of the solution & why it was awarded
The EXTRUSION 4.0 solution was awarded because its implementation guarantees the following significant benefits:
- Yield optimization
- Reduction of defective profiles (scrap)
- Reduction of production, processing and recycling costs
- Reduction of unnecessary downstream processing in secondary production
- Contribution to the Circular Economy and Green Growth (reduction of CO2 emissions)
It is currently the only solution in the world that guarantees the autonomous and objective sorting of products and can be successfully applied in all aluminum industries, ensuring, for each of them, maximum production efficiency.
Additionally, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Big Data analytics can also be applied to other areas of the primary and secondary sector and transform every industry into a factory of the future. D-Cube Immersive Solutions can study each industry individually and adapt state-of-the-art technologies to the needs of each business.
Visit our website and find out more about D-Cube & our solutions or feel free to contact us.